Have you ever think what will become your facebook account after your death ?

Article : Have you ever think what will become your facebook account after your death ?

The number of facebook users rises to 1.654 billion , but is they already think about what will become their facebook account after their death ?

For it, facebook propose many options and choices :
Commemoration account :
Commemoration accounts allow friends and family to come together and share memories after the death of a person. The main features of the commemoration of accounts:
  • According to the privacy settings of the day, friends can share their memories on the commemoration log.
  • The expression Remembering is displayed next to the name of the person on his profile.
  • Content shared by the person (ex: photos or publications) are on Facebook and are always visible to people with whom they were shared.
  • The commemoration profiles do not appear in public spaces such as suggestions you may know, birthday reminders or advertisements.
  • Nobody can connect to an account of commemoration.
  • The commemoration legatee without accounts can not be changed.
  • Pages managed by a single administrator whose account was transformed into account commemoration will be removed from Facebook after receipt of a valid application.
Deleting your account :
You may decide to permanently delete your account in case of death. To do this : In the top right of any Facebook page, click, then select Settings. In the left menu, click Security. Click Contact legatee. Click Permanent deletion of your account and follow the instructions on the screen.
For friends and family :
If you want to create additional space on Facebook to share memories of your loved one, we recommend you create a group.

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